Our Team of Servants and Equippers

The 19th century Scottish pastor Robert Murray M’Cheyne once said, “The greatest need of my people is my personal holiness.” We feel the same way! The best thing our staff can give the Solid Rock family is our own love and devotion to Jesus. Ministry for us is not so much our job as it is our joy. God has called together gifted servants, but we serve out of awe and wonder at God’s gift to us—Jesus. The ministry we do for others is meant to come out of the overflow of what Jesus has done for us.


Matt Kottman, Lead Pastor

Matt and Dianna have spoken at numerous events, conferences and retreats throughout much of Europe. His church planting mindset is well balanced with his appreciation of church tradition and heritage.


Jim Densmore, Executive Pastor

Jim is in full agreement with the emphasis that Solid Rock places on our complete dependence and absolute necessity of the Gospel for all aspects of our Christian life and is excited and humbled to be called to serve Solid Rock as an elder.

Helping Your Family Grow in Their Relationship with Jesus

There is an ancient proverb that says, “If your vision is for a year plant wheat, if your vision is for a decade plant trees, and if your vision is for a lifetime plant people.” Ministry is about people, and so our staff is here to serve and equip God’s people to be firmly planted and to bear fruit both now and in coming generations. We are here to employ the gifts God has given us to help you to use the gifts God has given you (Ephesians 4:12), so that you can flourish in your love for God and people.