Youth Ministry
Our passion is for students to build their life upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ. To accomplish this, we meet weekly to worship, study God’s Word, and to hang out and just have fun together with games and other activities. To help better apply God’s Word to our lives, we also regularly break up into small groups to talk and pray about what God is showing us in his Word.
We are also a youth group that is passionate about serving Jesus through practically serving one another, our community, and the outside world. By doing this the students will grow in their love of Jesus and in their love for one another. We create an atmosphere that is open, inviting, and comfortable for new students, as well as established students in the youth group.
We invite you to come join us!
Solid Rock Youth
- Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm
Smyth Center
6-12 grades
Come break away from the blahs of life and hang out with friends at Solid Rock Youth! This is the place to come for fun, friends, worship by students, games and targeted lessons on the issues students go through in life. Join a small group of students this week and begin a new journey of learning with God and friendship with others. We hope to see you there this week!
Upcoming Events
For upcoming events or to learn more, check out our Solid Rock Youth website.
Ministry Leader
Ryan Lynn, Associate Pastor/Elder
Ryan has known Matt Kottman for 18 years. The Kottman family was supported as missionaries by the Lynn family's church where Ryan worked as the youth pastor. Matt asked him to interview for the job of Pastor of Student Ministries in August 2020. The elders of the church hired Ryan, and the Lynn family moved to Prescott in September 2020. Ryan grew up in the church teaching, leading music, and going on mission trips. He felt called into full time ministry in 2004. He became the Youth Pastor at The Christian Center in Borrego Springs, California in 2006. His [...]