Ryan has known Matt Kottman for 18 years. The Kottman family was supported as missionaries by the Lynn family’s church where Ryan worked as the youth pastor. Matt asked him to interview for the job of Pastor of Student Ministries in August 2020. The elders of the church hired Ryan, and the Lynn family moved to Prescott in September 2020.
Ryan grew up in the church teaching, leading music, and going on mission trips. He felt called into full time ministry in 2004. He became the Youth Pastor at The Christian Center in Borrego Springs, California in 2006. His responsibilities included teaching, leading worship, and working with radio, website, graphic design, facilities, and youth.
He attended Horizon School of Evangelism from 2004-2005.
Ryan has been on staff at Solid Rock since 2020. He oversees children, youth, and young adults. He also coordinates the worship music for the services and special events.
He loves helping young people love Jesus and love His church. He counts it a privilege to be at the beginning of an individual’s lifelong discipleship.
Ryan feels that Solid Rock is a place where young and old can grow in their love for Jesus and their love for one another. He loves seeing the generations proclaim the goodness of God to one another.