Matt and Dianna have been married since 1997 and have four wonderful (adult) children, Karissa, Bethany, Josiah, and Isaiah. The Kottmans are dual citizens in two ways. They are citizens of the UK and the US, but more importantly, they have a heavenly citizenship and an earthly citizenship. After Disciples Church was firmly planted in the UK, the Lord brought the Kottmans to Prescott to serve the people of Solid Rock Christian Fellowship in August 2017.

Matt began to serve in ministry, as a youth pastor when he was 21 in Portland, OR. He then went on the mission field where he was involved in various aspects of church planting in Austria for five years before the Lord brought Matt and his family to London, where Matt planted a church which is still thriving today.

Matt has a BA in theology from Oak Hill College, London and a certificate in Biblical Counseling from the CCEF School of Biblical Counseling in Glenside, PA. Matt is currently completing his MDiv in Theology at Phoenix Seminary.

As the Lead Pastor, he has the main responsibility of preaching and teaching at Solid Rock.

Matt believes it is through the teaching of God’s Word that we grow in our knowledge of God and our hope in him. It is a wonderful privilege to be able to give the lion’s share of his time serving the Lord and his people in this way.

Matt says of Solid Rock, “We are a covenant community of those redeemed by the blood of Christ. There is a hunger for the word of God, a hospitable attitude, and an ever-growing desire for living out the one anothers of Scripture. I love that I get to grow with such a group of blood-bought brothers and sisters.”

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