The Men of the Rock Men’s Ministry was born out of a conviction and a desire to see the men of Solid Rock become deeply devoted followers of Christ who make an impact on the world around them.
We are committed to this vision and mission for Men of the Rock:
To encourage and equip men through the bold teaching of God’s word to be mature disciples of Christ who impact their families, other men, the church, and the community around them with the truth of the Gospel.
And we want this to happen in an environment that is uniquely designed for men and the challenges they face, and that encourages meaningful and lifelong relationships with other men. And to have some fun along the way!
Please watch the video below to get a fuller understanding of what we’re all about.
What We’re Up To:
Monthly Bible Study and Fellowship Time for Men
Main Worship Center: 148 S. Marina St.
We will be teaching through the book of Philippians
Snacks and drinks provided
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month
What Happens at our Monthly Gatherings?
- A time of singing, then sharing about what God is doing in your life
- 30 minutes of teaching
- 45-60 minutes of small group breakouts (8 people) for in depth discussion about the teaching, and praying for each other
- Material to study for the next meeting
Upcoming Events
(Unless otherwise specified, meetings are Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Main Worship Center)
- August 14
- September 11
- October 9
- November 13
- No Meeting in December
- January 8
- February 12
What’s My Next Move?
If you’d like to join this ministry, please complete the form at the button below.
If you have any questions, please contact us by way of the office.